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Question by  Lisa66 (188)

Where is the Peugeot brand of car made?


Answer by  elshorty79 (42)

Peugeot was founded in France in 1810. The majority of Peugeot's manufacturing plants are located in France to this day, but the company has facilities in Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Argentina, Brazil and China.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Peugeot is a French car manufacturers that has several production facilities in Europe. They recently closed a production facility in England. They also have facilities in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.


Answer by  kqwik (317)

Peugot is a French car manufacturer headquartered in Paris for its administrative. The Manufacturing is found in Sochaux, France. It was founded back in 1810 as a coffee mill company.


Answer by  rookie105 (823)

Peugeot is a French made vehicle and it is part of the Peugeot Citroen company which is the second largest car manufacturer in Europe. the copmany was founded in 1858. They have been making vehicles since 1891. The company also has made coffee mills and bicycles in the beginning. thats it

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