

Question by  thexgreyxwarden (22)

Where is Mt. Vesuvius?

Is it still active?


Answer by  Chris48 (475)

Mt. Vesuvius, the volcano that destroyed Pompeii in AD 79, is located on the Bay of Naples in Italy, about nine kilometers from the city. The last major eruption occurred on March, 1944, destroying a number of American aircraft stationed there. The Italian government declared the volcano a national park to facilitate evacuation efforts in case it erupts again.


Answer by  monkeyz (3150)

Mount Vesuvius is on the Bay of Naples in Italy. It is famous for the destruction it caused in the city of Pompeii. It is still an active volcano today and is considered to be one of the most dangerous due to its proximity to a city of about 3 million and its explosive history.


Answer by  Anonymous

mt vesuvius is located on the Bay of Napels in Italy and is most famous for it eruption in 79AD which wiped out 3 coties in Italy which was found in the 18th century. 12 year old girl.

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