

Question by  Daniel2113 (6)

Where can I get a generic Office XP key?

Is this legal?


Answer by  BigD103 (548)

It is not legal to obtain a product key for a peice of software you have no purchased. If you have issues with your key call Microsoft.


Answer by  runnerG12 (124)

Some companies, large organisations or university obtain generic Office license keys. It is legal to use them as long as work or study there.


Answer by  Atomicrayon (2504)

There is no way to legally obtain a free copy of the Windows Office XP key. You're best bet is to go to your local electronics store and purchase one from there. Windows also has theft prevention methods in place to detect multiple CD keys from being used, so it's best not to borrow a friends.


Answer by  john11 (617)

Generally it is not legal to obtain a key to unlock software without purchasing the key. However, you can buy a key from Microsoft to unlock the trial version of Microsoft office. Another option is going to Microsoft and search for Office 2010 beta (or on Google). This product is being offered for public use at no cost.

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