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Question by  shakey (21)

Where can I find informaiton on the palm font size?

I need to find the palm font size.


Answer by  jumcu (14)

Do settings, system, screen, text size and increase the size of the text to make it more readable in various programs. There you can find information about small and large font sizes. we can change the font styles or font sizes to your liking ... hopefully useful.


Answer by  Antony (169)

Have you gone in to settings >system>screen > text size and increase the text size to make it more readable in many programs. There you can find the information about the palm font size and the settings. we can change the font style or the font size comfortable for us.


Answer by  balapriya (85)

Desktop utilities to manipulate Palm fonts: afnx, nfnt (lo/hi/both densities),... arpruss changed the public information on the Font Converters for PalmOS


Answer by  Packers123 (80)

Search the Google website and enter the keyword palm font size in the search engine box and correct matches will be returned.

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