

Question by  Adrienne (23)

Where can I find GCSE past papers?


Answer by  djb228 (510)

There are dozens of online sources to help you prepare for GCSEs. Most of them offer past papers, as well as worksheets and other study aids. Not every site has information for every area, so include the particular GCSE you will sit in your search terms. specializes in providing only the past GCSE papers; it might suit your needs.


Answer by  mascota (639)

The best places to look if you have internet access is on the exam board's websites. You should be able to download practice papers, which are usually past papers. If you are a student studying at school your teachers probably have past exam papers you can borrow. If you are a teacher, teachers websites may be able to help.


Answer by  boyakivsky (43)

GCSE past papers are rare documents. You should search the Internet in English or German sites of scientific periodicals. Some American research resources provide services to scan and send documents to the recipient


Answer by  novim (8)

you can find GCSE past papers in bookstore anywhere. Its not hard to find these kinds of papers they're available anywhere.

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