

Question by  Emel (17)

When should I be concerned about soft bowel consistency in my toddler?


Answer by  JuliaJolie (415)

If your toddler has diarrhea or very soft stools, see a GP if it's been more than 24 hours. It's likely that he/she has an infection or a food allergy. Breastfeeding will reduce the likelihood of this, or properly sterilizing bottles.


Answer by  kalhana (64)

Soft stool can be caused by an excess of juice or liquids in a toddler. Watch how much you are giving them to drink. As long as it isn't runny I wouldn't worry to much, but you will want to mention it to their doctor at the next visit.


Answer by  DrMom (854)

Soft bowel movements in toddlers are of no particular concern. If the child is healthy, eats normally, and exhibits no signs of illness, there is really nothing to be done. What may be normal for one child may not be normal for another but that does not mean there is a medical problem. At a regular checkup ask your pediatrician.


Answer by  Mystix (34)

When you find that your toddlers bowel movements are coming more frequently than normal this can cause dehydration, if it continues for 24hrs contact Toddlers Physician.


Answer by  dryuha (735)

You should not be concerned. It is normal for a toddler to have soft stool. As long as your toddler opened his/her bowel regularly and do not have runny and too frequent bowel opening you should not be concerned. The stool consistency will change depending on the food taken.


Answer by  dolzc (27)

When your child's bowel movement leads to diarrhea you should start worrying and make do the first aid. Also when your kid stop eating and refuse to take any liquid, then you should talk to your Pedia ASAP.

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