


Question by  speedyanjenny (14)

When should a dog stop having puppies?


Answer by  keiki (1376)

A dog really should only have 2-3 litters over its lifetime as it is extremely draining to the mother dog. She should have her first litter at no younger than 2 years, then another litter at least two years later. A dog should be done by 6 year.


Answer by  Isidro (624)

The best time is when there about five to six years old beacuse there can be causes of problem in the babies. any older well its like having babies in your fifty's when your a human that would be pity hard on the person.


Answer by  Priya12 (218)

It depends on each individual dog and there breed type. It is always better after an age of 5 to get her spray. After 5 years there might be chances of her death.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You will need to talk to your vet to see when you should stop breeding the dog. The vet can answer that question.

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