Pad Thai is normally made with rice noodles, some sort of protein (normally chicken or tofu), egg, chili, tamarind, and lime. It is also normally flavored with fish sauce, which is a unique Thai sauce similar to soy sauce. Pad Thai in the United States is often made with peanut butter, but this is exceedingly rare in Thailand.
Pad Thai is usually noodle, peanuts, and a few vegetables. The Sauce on the other hand is normally fish oil, tamarind, paprika (or Thai chili pepper) and sugar.
It is a dish that starts with stir fried rice noodles, and a number of things are added to it. Some of them include - eggs, fish sauce, juices, shrimp, chicken, bean sprouts, red peppers. It is often topped off with peanuts and lime.
Pad Thai is a Thai fried noodle dish. Ingredients include: rice noodles, fish sauce, egg, tamarind juice, garlic, shallots, peanuts, lime juice, and a protein such as chicken, shrimp, or tofu. Pad Thai is usually fried in peanut oil.
Pad Thai is a recipe from Thailand that includes rice noodles, lots of yummy spices, and a small amount of vegetables. It can include fish sauce, garlic, ground chili powder and black pepper. You can also get it served with chicken or shrimp. It can be found at a number of restaurants.
Basically it is type of Bangkok street style food. There is a specific set of ingredient that are used but most cook will sun=substitute and omitted certain items based on the own style. Look online to see what all is used in it.