health conditions


Question by  kpayne8269 (1)

What's an effective home remedy for impetigo?

I think my daughter has it.


Answer by  Raketemensch (54)

To treat impetigo at home, hot baths with soap and water and the use of an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin should be effective (impetigo is a bacterial infection). It's always a good idea to get the diagnosis confirmed by a physician, who may prescribe oral antibiotics or antibiotic creams for treatment.


Answer by  PJ24 (220)

Impetigo is a highly contagious skin infection that is treated with topical bactericide or antibiotic ointments in less severe cases, and with oral antibiotics in the more severe cases. For the latter, a prescription is most likely needed.


Answer by  malone (4817)

There are a couple different kinds of impetigo, including one caused by staph entering a cut/scrape/insect bite. The simpler type will resolve on its own in about a month, but the other needs antibiotics to heal. Impetigo is highly contagious. And children will be sent home from school.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

Try a solution of baking soda and water. Mix into a paste and apply then let dry . Also wet talcum powder works great


Answer by  Katherine60 (34)

Impetigo is usually a contagious infection, and can lead to serious complications. Call a healthcare provider; do not attempt home remedies. Practice careful hygiene while an infection is present.

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