

Question by  sanpriyas (13)

What's a good sample menu for a 1-year-old?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Diced ham and chicken are excellent protein. Saltine crackers or diced potatoes or yams provide carbohydrate. Diced vegetables like carrots or tomatoes, shelled peas or green beans, or soft diced fruit provide the fruit and vegetable side dish. You can also buy pre-packaged toddler meals including finger sized pasta and diced vegetables.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Since he his starting to get teeth, soft foods would be best. Applesauce, Pears, Macaroni & Cheese, Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich, Cooked carrots, Green beans, Jello, Pudding. Toddler baby food. Stay away from fatty foods, like french fries. It's best to not get him started on this, even though it's easy.


Answer by  daddydaycare (46)

If you are starting out with solid foods then stick with finger foods that are softer in texture. Letting them figure out how to feed themselves makes them feel independent.


Answer by  JanelleJ (35)

A menu for a one-year-old should include soft fruits, partially to completely cooked vegetables, cheese and milk, small pieces of cooked meat, bread, dry cereal, water, and 100% juice.

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