health conditions


Question by  endolvr (31)

What viral illness causes fever for seven days?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Roseola and Scarlet Fever can persist to seven days. However, You need to be reseen by your physician to make sure that there isn't a secondary infection that has sneaked in and taken advantage of a weakened state. However, this is generally just categorized as "viral fever" a well-recognized generalized condition that persists between 3 and 7 days.


Answer by  SandyG (807)

There are a number of viral infections that cause fever. Anytime your fever is over 102 F, you should take ibuprofen to try to lower the fever. Also, use a damp cloth to wet the skin on your face, neck, arms, chest enough to lower the body temperature a few degrees. If that does not work, see a doctor.


Answer by  MattK (1713)

Any viral illness can last for anything from one to many days and certainly includes a period of seven days.


Answer by  Lakshmi65 (715)

Viral fever will be there for 10 days it might be because of mosquito bit and at present we have new viral fever called chikungunya fever. Because of the mosquitoes and bacterial infection in the blood only viral illness happens. we have to take preventive measures in order save us from death. taking doctors advice and following the same is better.

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