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Question by  wickersley (19)

What special food should I give my cat, who just had kittens?

It's her first litter.


Answer by  LM68 (46)

A cat who has just had kittens should be allowed free choice feeding of a good-quality kitten food. She will need extra calories and nutrients to take care of her kittens while they are nursing. After the kittens are not nursing anymore she can go back to regular food.


Answer by  JoJackson (177)

Your cat will eat up to four times the usual amount of food. She should be given food with a high protein content. Kitten food contains a lot of protein.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Mother cats should be feed a diet of a high quality cat food but don't suppliment the food with vitamins. She should have plenty of fluids to drink. Sometimes right after giving birth a cat won't leave her kittens for the first 24 hours.

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