

Question by  Nora (20)

What should you do if your partner is not giving you or the relationship as much time as they used to?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

You should talk to your partner, especially if it is worrying you. If that fails, see a counselor. Sometimes people just want to do their own thing and it isn't a reflection on you or an indication that they no longer care. Don't smother or nag because this may push him/her farther away. But do talk.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

If you notice a major time difference for no reason, not because of a new job, or something reasonable, you should think about the relationship. Are you still happy? Do you think your partner is happy? Communication is important, talk about the issue and what's causing it. Maybe it's time to end things, or can it be fixed?


Answer by  John (9008)

All relationships change over time, and it is natural to begin to take things for granted after awhile. If you partner has stopped giving you the time that he should, you need to discuss this with him in a non-threatening manner. Don't accuse; just say that you miss the good times and want to have more of them.


Answer by  step (309)

First thing is you need to start talking, asking questions, get to the the root of the problem. Second thing to do will be based on the conversation you have had. I can't tell you what to do, only you can decide what is right based on that conversation. Talk to your partner!!

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