

Question by  mindygdane (75)

What should I know about using melatonin on kids?


Answer by  Dawne (69)

I would be very hesitant. My daughter had trouble sleeping, but the doctor took her off melatonin because there are concerns about its effects on girls' later fertility.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

Its use by kids has not been shown to be dangerous and can help them get to sleep faster and sleep better.


Answer by  localgirl808 (405)

Most doctors do not recommend giving melatonin to children under 10. Allow older children to take it only occasionally, and do not give them more than 3 milligrams per day.


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

It will make them EXTREMELY sleepy at night, but that's fine if they have problems sleeping - it's a great alternative to OTC sleep meds.

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