

Question by  eyeofra93 (16)

What should I know about poodle tail docking?

Why is it done? When is it done?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Tail docking of any breed is done in the U. S. to meet the breed standards set forth by the American Kennel Club and for no other reason. It is done a few days after the puuppies are born. In the UK, tail (and ear) docking is against the law. Many American pet owners today forgo alterations to tails and ears.


Answer by  idavid (385)

Docking a dog's tail is a cruel, expensive, and unnecessary procedure, which is why so many vets are beginning to not do it. The reason why so many dog guardians dock their dogs' tails is for aesthetic purposes only, as many feel that a dog looks better with out its natural tail.


Answer by  MsLizziebug (833)

Tail docking is for cosmetic purposes. Originally they were used for hunting game, they may have docked the rail to avoid being hindered i. e. , snagging tail in bushes etc.. Tail docking should be done with in the first 24 to 48 hours after birth.


Answer by  Cookinginbc (383)

It used to be that poodles had their tails docked because they were retrieval dogs. It made it easier for the dogs to swim plus it was easier tokeep track of the dog in the water since the puff of the tail would be seen. It is easier for the dog the earlier that it is done.


Answer by  lalmond67r (22)

It is illegal in some countries but not the US. Tail docking is done today as a tradition/custom. Most breeders have procedure done at 3 days old.

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