

Question by  Anitta (15)

What should I know about Pomeranians and hair loss?


Answer by  hibpmgirl (2166)

Hair loss for a pomeranian is not normal, the dog could be suffering from mange or a similar skin disorder that could be causing hair loss. Worms can alos cause hair loss. The best thing to do would be to take it to the vet and have it checked.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Take your dog to the vet. Hair loss in a dog is never a good thing. There could be several problems with your dog such as mites or fleas that are causing the loss. It could be something bigger as well.


Answer by  thrishulrulz (150)

Generally dogs lose hair when winter season is approaching and when they are fed with spicy and salty food. Pomeranians are usually very hairy and needs to be brushed everyday to lessen the hair fall,by brushing you help the oil which is produced in the dogs spreads evenly throughout the body and the coat remains healthy.

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