

Question by  steffiegirl815 (14)

What should I know about having stents in my heart?


Answer by  emon (27)

Having stents in your heart will make your quality of life better, but you may still have to be careful when doing strenuous activities. You should pay attention to what your body is telling you, and slow down if need be.


Answer by  jamieellison (1637)

Stents are used to open passageways in your arteries that have become enclosed over time. Having stents placed in your heart often means that you have coronary artery disease and are used as a preventative measure to lessen the odds of worse outcomes.


Answer by  Mari (134)

A patient should read all available material on the internet and at the Public Library. Ask questions of your cardiologist, because you may not be able to ask questions the day of the surgery. It would be beneficial for you to look at a heart diagram with all the arteries.


Answer by  Traci (55)

This is a very common procedure. The worst part of the entire this is when it is over, you have to lay still for a specific amount of time set by your doctor based on how they close the incision. Other than that, it is really no big deal.

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