pet health


Question by  kfelicetti (235)

What should I expect from my puppy's first vet visit?


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Your puppy's first vet visit will most definitely consist of a wellness exam, which includes such things as checking vitals and looking into the ears. A fecal exam will probably be formed to check for worms. If the puppy is old enough, certain shots will be given as well.


Answer by  Lee (42)

Depending on your puppy's age, size and general health, you can expect different things. All puppy's should have a physical exam, a fecal exam and be given a general dewormer. If the puppy is about 6-9 weeks old and well, the vet will usually begin vaccines.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

The vet will weigh your puppy, check it's ears, eyes and heart beat. He will look for problems that are going on with the puppy and probably give your puppy a shot. If he detects a problem he will fix the problem.


Answer by  Florimell (53)

The vet will first want to get a history of the pet; how old it is, breed, where you got the pet. Then there will be a physical exam. If your puppy is there for shots, the vet will have you distract your dog while he/she does the injections.

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