


Question by  Strumpet (7)

What should I do when my dog gets her period?


Answer by  Brodello (68)

Bring your dog indoors or keep her in a secure environment where roaming male dogs will not reach her! Most importantly, get your pet spayed as soon as possible!


Answer by  LenaRenneker (210)

There isn't much you can do except deal with it. There are pads/diapers created especially for this reason, but some people have modified baby diapers, which are cheaper. The length of being in heat and amount of blood will vary by dog.


Answer by  kipcat (1964)

If you have an outside dog and don't want puppies, then make sure you keep her penned up. If she is an inside dog then avoid the mess by using pads specially designed for such things.


Answer by  PaintedRoadkill (504)

First off its not her period its called "heat". And you should make sure she doesn't get around any male dogs as they will mate and she could get pregnant.

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