dental care


Question by  bart (23)

What should I do regarding bone fragments that occur after having tooth extraction?

I recently had my wisdom teeth removed and have found that I have several bone fragments that are coming to the service of my mouth.


Answer by  Anonymous

Large ones may be painful but will come out on their own. Smaller ones will work out also. It can take as long as 3 or 4 months for them all to come out. My extraction was 6/24/10 and I am still having them today, 8/25/10.

posted by Anonymous
Once the swelling went down in my gums a fragment started poking out and its a whopper. All you need is patience until you can get a good grip on it with a pair of tweezers and hope you don't bleed as long as i did. Good Luck :)  add a comment

Answer by  tuppyqueen (311)

The first thing I would do is to call your dentist or who ever removed your Wisdom Teeth and see what they suggest as I have had a tooth extracted and the same problem occured where I had to go in and have them removed.


Answer by  gummie (738)

Nothing needs to be done about bone fragments after a tooth extraction. The fragments will work their way to the surface of your mouth and you can even pull them out, if you want. If persistent, severe pain ensues after several days, you need to revisit your dentist. The fragments are similar to a splinter in your finger.


Answer by  conrad (5)

1) Swish w/salt water.2)Clean hands.3)Apply oral anesthetic gel. Use your finger to gently apply the gel, available in over the counter in any pharmacy. Lie down for a half hour to get tongue/mind off the spot. Good luck!

Reply by coffin94 (0):
i had all my teeth removed an to save a trip back to specialist i pulled out my fragments w tweezers an still have some still coming through some hurt an some dont cant wait for real food...  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

I pulled mine out myself; with my trusty pair of tweezers!!


Answer by  ppro (50)

This is a very common occurrence after having oral surgery. They will fall out on their own or your dentist can remove them very easily.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

Generally you need do nothing. They're not attached and will work their way out on their own. If it is bothering you in a few weeks, see your dentist.

posted by Anonymous
Are you sure they're not attached?? I have one left, but I swear to God it is still afraid to pull it out cause it doesn't seem loose  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Just had the most painful bone fragment removed from my gum after tooth extraction. hurt like asnything and needed anaethsetic to remove.


Answer by  Anonymous

Had my wisdom teeth out approx. 20 years ago. I've had several pieces of tooth removed and had another one just today that surfaced and I pulled myself.


Answer by  Anonymous

Ive had my 3rd molar pulled about 2 weeks ago. I felt some discomfort in the buccal (cheek side) of my gums. I didnt know what it was. And then yesterday I feel a sharp object poking out of my gum. Its painful and its annoying.


Answer by  Anonymous

11-24-10 had oral surgery done 8-10 rough time with splinters that are still coming. now jaw is giving me fits and is going through skin. Dentist Wont help me and charged me $900 for nothing.


Answer by  Anonymous

I have been back to my oral surgeon twice since my tooth extraction due to bone fragment. Just had one removed yesterday and already have another working its way through. They are very annoying and painful but I think I'll save myself some time and pull it myself.


Answer by  Anonymous

I have had good luck with tweezers, but with some i just use a Q tip, after oragel, place Q tip and twist and pull. worked great on the loose ones, that you cant get with tweezers. good luck, i feel your pain. really!


Answer by  Anonymous

I have been in absolute agony for a week until this bone fragment appeared, pierced the skin of the gum and caued several ulcers in my tongue. The pain is crazy and having oral surgery tomorrow. Not simple at all.

posted by Anonymous
Same thing with my daughter. 2 surgeries in the matter of 7 weeks, she's lost 10lbs, and the want $2400.00 for this, at least the second surgery was covered by our healthcare system. She is still in so much pain.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Same here. He took out the bone fragment and have huge ulcers on my tongue and it's so hard to eat or even swallow. I went back 5 days after having the tooth pulled....he didn't charge me anymore though. I'm so hungry  add a comment

Answer by  Roan57 (0)

Had upper teeth pulled in november, still have fragments appear appearing. They are very painful when trying to wear dentures. Need help asap!


Answer by  Anonymous

The pain is horrid. I had 11 teeth removed 11/13/12 and I am constantly pulling fragments out and some are too large and are coming through the side of the gum causing severe pain when I try to wear my dentures. I want the dentist to remove it!!


Answer by  Anonymous

I had two teeth out 3 weeks ago, and another two a week ago. I had one coming out yesterday morning and found a large peice this morning which had came out in my sleep. Now that I've ate another is coming out. I'm just leaving them be.


Answer by  Anonymous

Had 6 teeth pulled 7-11-12 and have had one bone sliver come out. Now I have three at one time trying to come through the skin. Not fun when you're trying to get use to dentures! The dentures are constantly pushing on sore bone pieces pushing them into the gum!

posted by Anonymous
I had my upper teeth extracted on 8-28-12 and got immediate dentures. I thought I was healing fine but now I have pieces of bone coming out of the side of my gums. I'm in agony, especially with the dentures rubbing :(  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Same here had all uppers removed 2 weeks ago. I sliver seems to have just broken the skin can't wait intil there is enough exposed to grab it with a pair of tweezers. Seems to be the best option from what I have read here. Swollen and painful!  add a comment
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