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Question by  cbswilsonsresortcom (53)

What should I do if my Wordpad has caused an error in mswrd832.cnv?


Answer by  kd97 (733)

It is likely that you have opened a Word 2000 document in Wordpad, which is not a compatable file format. This has been known to cause crashes with the error in mswrd832. cnv. You could re-install the file from your Windows 95 or Windows XP installation disk if you continue to experience problems with other formats.


Answer by  BigD103 (548)

This means that wordpad is trying to open a file format it is having difficulty with. The best bet is to right click on the file, select open with, and then choose another word processing prgram. Make sure you "Use this program for all files with this extension".


Answer by  Atomicrayon (2504)

Simply attempt a restart and see if you receive another v error. If this continues then it's best to reinstall Word pad manually, if you have lost the CD Wordpad can be installed directly off of the Microsoft Updates official website, or you could google the download from a neighboring mirror site.


Answer by  Hasan72 (572)

Some required system file has been missing from your Windows XP operating system which is causing this error.To solve this problem; at first load your Windows XP installation CD and reinstall Wordpad manually. If the problem exists than you have to format your hard disk and reinstall Windows XP fully.


Answer by  Sabharish (1610)

Your error looks like missing of the required word pad system file. If possible u can download and install wordpad to your computer otherwise you can format and reinstall your operating system.


Answer by  Kit (558)

I think you will need your Windows CD or DVD to run a repair or make a in-place installation. Otherwise, try scanning your machine for malware. It *may* as well induce the error.

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