what to do


Question by  ganesh (84)

What should I do if my wallet gets stolen?


Answer by  jmansfie (282)

You should cancel all of your credit cards. Also, it would be wise to enroll in an Identity theft prevention plan. Furthermore, freeze all bank account activity, and go to the DMV and get a new driver's license. Notify the authorities that your wallet has been stolen so that they can track any transactions made with your cards


Answer by  bob69 (82)

Firstly, call all of your banks and credit cards to let them know your cards have been stolen so they can freeze or monitor your accounts, change numbers, and issue new cards. You should also notify the police of the theft. You will need to contact the DMV for a new license.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

If youy wallet gets stolen you need to immediately call and cancel all your credit cards. Call you bank too. They will be able to tell you if anyone has tried to use your ATM card or their credit cards. You can report it to your insurance company if enough money was stolen to make it worth your while.


Answer by  kingperkins (14)

If you see the fool who did it, then chase him! If you don't catch him, then you should report all of your stuff stolen. If you catch the guy, beat him up and get your wallet back. If he has more stuff on him, take all of that stuff too!

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