

Question by  Christine (14)

What should I do if I think that my tiger barb is pregnant?


Answer by  Division1TrackAthlete (79)

You should place a glass wall in the tank in between the parents and any other fish to allow the parents to care for the babies undisturbed. Do not separate the parents from the nest during this process. If you cannot identify the father, leave the mother alone with the babies.


Answer by  pinkie (247)

You definitely need to take your tiger to a veterinarian. This is especially important if this is the first time you're experiencing this. Your vet will be able to give you much needed advice on the care of your pet both before and after the pregnancy. Best to plan ahead and make arrangements for the actual birth as well.


Answer by  sharonl (250)

Since tiger barbs are egg layers, you should have marbles for substrate. When she lays the eggs they will fall between the marbles and the fish cannot eat them.


Answer by  Caryn85 (418)

If you think that your fish is pregnant you need to remove it from other fish. The best way you could do this is visit your local pet shop and get a tank divider or a little tank with a tank piece. Once the babies are born you need to remove them and return the mother to the old tank.

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