Am I pregnant again?
I just found out I'm pregnant, and I have a head cold.... good or bad?
I'm pregnant and I think my boyfriend's cheating - what should I do?
I'm pregnant and I'm mean to my fiance - why?
What are some important things to know about roseola and a pregnant woman
What should I do if I'm pregnant with pain starting in back and moving to the stomach?
Why do people pose for photos when they're pregnant?
myths pregnancy
Question by brian0622 (32)
I would like to know when I will get pregnant.
Answer by noonespecial (235)
No. "Psychics" have been statistically proven to be no more probable or successful at telling the future than any average person.
Answer by Brett (7986)
A psychic can not tell you when you will get pregnant. Fertilityfriend. com, or watching your cycle can (your doctor can also help), but a psychic certainly cannont help you.
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