

Question by  randiegrl (110)

What should I do for my dog who has a twitching in his neck?


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Your dog may have a sore muscle, or a nerve condition. You can try using a warm compress to help soothe the muscle to stop the twitching.


Answer by  amanda5618 (48)

Twitching is the bodies natural way to deal with an itch. You should check him for fleas, if they are present then they should be treated accordingly. Another very common reason for uncontrollable twitching is dehydration. Give the dogs plenty of water and watch out for diarrhea.


Answer by  rockerc (10)

If this is happening, the dog should be taken to the Vet. They will be able to diagnose your dog and provide you with options. Some options consist of surgery or medication. The very worse thing they could advise is putting the dog down. But either way, the twitching should get checked out immediately.


Answer by  Hoardy (454)

You should take him to a vet who will tell you what you can do or what they can do for the problem.


Answer by  sspugs (496)

The dog should be checked by a vet. Twitching in the neck(near ear) could be ear infection - also could be a type of seizure.


Answer by  maxant (21)

First, you should try massaging the dogs neck. Be careful, however, because it is possible to injure the dog further through rough massaging. If this shows no positive result, take the dog to a veterinarian and explain the problem to them.


Answer by  Chiyamaka (846)

It is most likely a natural movement. Don't worry about it too much, cats do this too. If it becomes a problem then go to your local vet and ask about it.

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