

Question by  nating (37)

What should I do for a Labrador with a thyroid problem?


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

Take to the vet and follow the prescribed treatment since most of the time a medication will have to be taken in order to alleviate the symptoms and to keep hormones levels right.


Answer by  worker3384 (157)

Labradors with thyroid problems need an all natural diet. Fresh vegetables and a little raw meat will help. Their regular dog food should not have any dyes, by-products in it.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

To treat thyroid problems in your dog is with medicine prescribed by your veterinarian. Your vet will run a series of test to determine to make sure there is nothing else causing the thyroid problems. If nothing else is found your dog will receive medicine based on its weight.

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