health conditions


Question by  BusyGirl (31)

What should I do about pus coming out of a labia cyst?


Answer by  mary70 (101)

warm compresses, bath with salt, treating with witch hazel to calm the area will help. Go to your doctor could be start of ovarian cancer or other serious problem. could be caused by stress, soap reaction, try not to stress, change soap and keep clean. talk to your doctor they will have more info about this i'm sure.


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

Vist your GYN as soon as you can to get it cultured. It could be a sign of any number of STD's that need prompt treatment.


Answer by  jennyanydots (294)

Most important of all, do not squeeze the area. Keep it clean and dry, wearing a clean pantiliner or pad to catch any drainage will be helpful. If the area does not improve, if the drainage increases, has an odor, or you develop a fever, see a doctor.


Answer by  apocalv (217)

you should immediately see a doctor as this may be due to a infection and should be treated imeediately if possible

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