pet health


Question by  eerlanger (28)

What should I do about a broken feline tail?


Answer by  dagdvm (41)

Nothing. It will heal, but not completely straight. The cat may need pain medication. If there is nerve damage the tail may be limp. Sometimes this recovers with time.


Answer by  GeorgesBataille (59)

If you think your cat has broken its tail, take them to a vet immediately. They may need to receive antibiotics if they have broken skin or signs of infection.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

For a serious concern visit your vet ASAP. Try to make sure the tail is straight as possible, and keep her indoors until healed. Avoid touching it if possible.


Answer by  badimojo (45)

Healing will occur naturally, although a visit to the vet's office is recommended to ensure that your cat is otherwise healthy.

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