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Question by  andegwa (26)

What kind of store sells decoupage paper?


Answer by  Craftcrazy (8)

Decoupage paper can be easily found at many stores - for example Craft stores such as Michaels, A C Moore, Jo Ann Fabrics, etc. I have also found them at Walmart and some of the Grocery stores carry them as well. Good luck finding the Decoupage paper!!!


Answer by  KnittingKnerd (25)

You can use any kind of paper for decoupage--from old greeting cards to magazine cutouts and even the pretty scrapbook papers you were saving for a special occasion. But if you're looking for specific paper for decoupage, you can always check out a craft store.


Answer by  licent (27)

Any kind of hobby or craft store is the best place to go to find decoupage paper. Look in the card making section


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

I have never seen any special paper for that project. I have done this many times with the handicapped with plain glass, putting decoupage on the glass adding torn up tissue paper on the decoupage and then cover again with decoupage. Let it dry for 24 hrs. I would anything thinner then card stock. We've made candy dishes and vases.

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