Can you buy a vehicle with a one-gallon gas tank?
How can I determine if my car is rated good for gas mileage?
How do you adjust a Nissan pickup headlight dimmer switch?
What changes can I make in my auto parts to help to improve the gas mileage of my SUV?
What kind of gas mileage can I expect from a newer Lincoln Towne Car?
What kind of gas mileage does a 2006 Duramax engine get?
Would used mini vans get better gas mileage than new ones?
Question by Poppy65 (2)
It's an '86.
Answer by brownie17 (170)
I own a 2005 nissan pickup auotmatic truck that I purchased brand new. I get about 24 gallons per mile.
Answer by ulisses (291)
that truck should have good gas milage that to because mostly all ofthe old cars have an good gas milage under neath the car they gas tanks are a good resource
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