

Question by  isabellagallo (117)

What is your soul?


Answer by  dooney (222)

You consist of four parts, body, mind, soul and spirit. In an analogy of a car on a journey, a sparking plug is the spirit, body work engine and transmission is the body, the direction and purpose of travel is the mind and the soul is the driver. The soul is sometimes described as the true you.


Answer by  tom10 (79)

The soul is a non-material, eternal spiritual entity that is present within a living being. It exists before and after the birth and death of the body. The symptom of the soul is consciousness.


Answer by  Emre (125)

My soul is a God made web link between my body and my mind. My mind knows everything; true-false, left right, ethic unethic, etc. In the same time, my body wants different things; eating, sleeping, making love etc. My spirit connects each of them and makes a pool of wants and makeable things for me.


Answer by  parm (9)

It is the device that facilitates self awareness, and may potentially exist after death. It may hold intangible elements and attributes that are influenced as byproduct of our earthly behaviour.


Answer by  Sylvia (759)

Your soul is your inner most being. It's where your conscious and humanity reside. It has the capability of telling you right from wrong with a small or large nudge. Too often we refuse to listen to what our soul is telling us. Your body is simply an exterior vision; your soul defines who you are.


Answer by  Binome (1975)

The soul is the spiritual part of yourself. It is everything that makes you "you" but is not part of your physical self.

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