pet health


Question by  hardhitter (16)

What is your dog has trouble breathing?


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

He might have eaten something that has block his airways. The best thing to do is take the dog to the emergency vet so they can access the problem immediately.


Answer by  xazurianx (330)

A dog with respiration trouble is a serious problem. Your dog should be taken to a vet or emergency animal clinic as soon as possible. Anything from allergies and bug bites to a foreign object stuck in his airway can cause labored breathing.


Answer by  rascal (187)

When my dog has trouble breathing it is usually because he has been drinking water and his tongue is all slobbery wet and then he licked his nose. Since dogs breath through their noses, he makes some awful sounds. I just wipe off his nose and he's fine.


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

This could be a sign of a serious problem. It could be a sign of heartworms, which sometimes show up as labored breathing. You need to take your dog the vet immediately.

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