what is


Question by  Dawn22 (63)

What is yoga nidra?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Yoga-nidra is known as "yoga sleep." Gurus hand down the details of the method, which involves relaxation techniques and guided visualization, to their disciples, who then learn to perfect the sleep-like state. Yoga-nidra different than the hypnotic state of "yoga tandra."


Answer by  dan1658 (185)

Yoga nidra is also known as yoga sleep or sleep of the yogis and is direct communion with the Divine energy. It has been said that a half hour of yoga nidra can be a substitute for 2-3 hours of regular sleep but it is questionable as a total sleep substitute.


Answer by  linsm (898)

Yoga nidra is a relaxation technique used in yoga. It is a relaxation process used for a mental process used for deep relaxation and sleep, yet you do remain awake.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

Yoga Nidra means "sleep of the yogis", meaning it is a form of yoga in which all you lay down and relax. It works the brain more than the body.

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