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Question by  Jones14 (30)

What is wuaudt.exe?


Answer by  vadavidg (7)

"Wuaudt.exe" handles Windows automatic updates. It provides an integrated, and stable way to maintain both critical and non-critical updates. It runs silently in the background until updates are available to be installed. The service is however susceptible to viruses that may compromise system security. Another portion of this process is "wuauclt.exe".


Answer by  jugermaut (89)

wuaudt.exe, or wuauclt.exe, is a part of Windows OS that's responsible in instigating Windows Automatic Update. This file (along with wuauclt.exe) is often used by hackers in a form of trojans, which in result could perform several malicious activities such as logging your account information to creating annoying popup advertisements.


Answer by  philg1961 (347)

Wuaudt.EXE is a Microsoft systems program which is required for the system to run right. It deals with updates. It sometimes is a memory hog and slows down the system. Check the Microsoft web site for possible fixes.

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