

Question by  mamaspeak (141)

What is wrong if my dog eats and then vomits right away?

This has happened several times.


Answer by  Sharrr (122)

Your dog may have a gastrointestinal problem going on or possibly even a virus. It is extremely important to get your dog to a veterinarian as soon as you can to rule out life threatening issues such as bloat among other things.Happening several times would indicate a trip to the vets!


Answer by  koti (205)

There are several reasons why a dog may vomit, but if your dog is vomiting right after eating the culprit could be as simple as a moldy food and moldy water dish. Both should be washed regularly to prevent mold from growing.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Most of the time that is caused from the dog eating to fast and not chewing the food properly or drinking to much water too soon after it is done eating the way to stop it is feed free choice.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Call the vet and tell him this. He might want you to change his food. This might be causing him to vomit, or are you sure he's not eating things around the house. Have you check what the vomit had in it? If it's food give him something else for a while.

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