

Question by  dejotse (7)

What is the visual difference in wasps and hornets?


Answer by  chloepaddy (66)

Hornets are a type of wasp. The hornet builds an oval shaped nest above the ground, usually in trees. Hornets have a reddish brown body with yellow markings. It can be differentiated from a yellow jacket wasp, which is black and yellow. Hornets are generally larger than the yellow jacket.


Answer by  joshm89 (491)

Wasps have much more of a slender body that does narrow at the waist. Wasps are shiny and smooth as bees are much more plumper.


Answer by  jaljl25 (547)

Well wasps have wings and stuff and the hornets are like shaped like horns and they have these antennas on them. They don't really fly they hope around while wasps fly.


Answer by  Bess2728 (682)

A hornet is a type of wasp. It is distinguished from others by the largeness of the vertex ("the neck") and by large rounded gasters (the "hornets bum").

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