

Question by  Ginakeys (178)

What is the typical drum covering material?


Answer by  JennW (342)

Most modern drums heads are made out of polyester, mylar or kevlar. Mylar is the most common, but kevlar is often found in marching drum bands due to it's durability and strength. Animal skin drums are still in use for cultural or historical authenticity purposes, but are vulerable to changes in temperature and humidity.


Answer by  nairjula (559)

It depends truly on type of drums are to be covered and the purpose of such covering. Temporary and permanent covering uses different material. Plastic cover is the best.


Answer by  Lakshmi65 (715)

it is the cover which is made at the top of the drum. which is made up of glass glitter,satins and pearls.

posted by Anonymous
Most drum covering material is made of acrylic, both top and bottom. The sparkle is actually silver glitter, which is sandwiched in between a colored piece of acrylic and a white acrylic base. This info from precision drum co., they supply most shops in the US.  add a comment

Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

there are a lot of things which it could be made of, the most common ones are polyester, mylar and kevlar! In the modern day drums, mylar is the most commonly used.

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