
 color  hair


Question by  lisaloud (5)

What is the true cause of 'The Mallen Streak', that white flash of hair?


Answer by  Daisy (161)

Poliosis is a hereditary condition caused by a lack of melanin (or colour) in head hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes. In most cases the Poliosis does not become too apparent until adulthood. Author Catherine Cookson wrote a trilogy of books about a family with the name of Mallen thus coining the phrase 'The Mallen Streak".


Answer by  ellie61 (478)

The Mallen Streak is caused by a defiencey known as Poliosis, a lack of compound-pigment melanin which provides colour in hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. This results in one or more white 'streaks' in hair. Poliosis is a symptom most commonly associated with Waardenburg syndrome, Marfan's syndrome and other genetic disorders.


Answer by  amiv (249)

The Mallen Streak is caused by the absence or significant decrease of melanin in one or more patches of head hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes. The propensity to manifest such patches is hereditary. The condition can occur alone or as one of a number of symptoms characterizing a genetic disorder syndrome.


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

The white streak on hair,eyebrows or eyelashes is caused by a condition known as Poliosis. It is the lack of melanin in the color of the hair. This condition is often hereditary but can be brought on by other medical conditions. It is often accompanied with vitiligo, white patches on the skin.


Answer by  Anonymous

I have a white streak in my (blond) hair since childhood. No-one in my family has it as far as I know. I like the old superstition that says you are touched by the devil. Or maybe better: an angel.


Answer by  lisaloud (5)

the term comes from catherine cookson character's, but what causes it ??


Answer by  Anonymous

It's definitely not religious ^^

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