what is


Question by  Tears (81)

What is the RSA algorithm?


Answer by  Terri93 (49)

An RSA algorithm is a form of encrypting information that is sent via unsecured websites. It allows the sender to scramble the information in case it is intercepted by someone other than the intended receiver. The RSA algorithm was one of the first encrypting tools and is still widely used today.


Answer by  Pete59 (83)

The RSA algorithm is a public key encryption method that employs very large numbers and their factorization, in order to make a function that is asymmetrical. This means anyone can encrypt a message without knowing the decryption code.


Answer by  contestador (46)

the rsa algorithm is a mathematical contruct used to derive pairs of cryptographic keys, that is sort of passwords that allow to both encrypt messages, taht is make it only readble to its addresse and authenticate it, that is guarantee to the addresse that the message is authentic.

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