Do root canals need to be crowned?
How can I kill tree roots in my yard?
How do I kill the roots from a tree that was cut down and the stump grinned down?
How much pain after a root canal is normal?
I've clenched my teeth in the night and now my root-canaled tooth hurts 6 days after the procedure. Will it calm down?
What could be the cause of tooth pain after a root canal?
What is a natural tree root killer?
language what is
Question by antmanpastor (6)
Answer by patti (29325)
"Hydro" is from the Greek "hydor," which means water. Hydro is a prefix, not a word and thus has no "root word. "
Answer by SandyG (807)
"Hydro" refers to liquid, and usually to water. "Hydroelectric plant" thus means a plant that produces electricity from water power.
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