home remedies


Question by  sshheraz (18)

What is the remedy for a fire ant bite?


Answer by  Ella22 (610)

Wash the affected area with cool water and soap. Take some meat tenderizer and mix it with enough water to create a paste. Spread the paste onto the bite. Let it set for two minutes. If the paste starts to dry out do not add more water. Rinse the paste off after the time is up and blot dry.


Answer by  gin (366)

My family has always used one of two. The first one is to smash an asprin tablet and using tab water make a paste to put on the ant bite. We have also used a small towel soak in cold mint tea to ease the pain and swelling.


Answer by  WiseTeacher (258)

Fire ant bites can be extremely painful. First, carefully wash the area with antibacterial soap and water. Do not scratch or pick at the bite so as to minimize the risk of infection. Do not try to drain the blister the sting causes. Apply ice or cold compresses and aloe vera gel to relieve the itching.


Answer by  kph0329 (637)

Wash the place you were bitten with soap and water and then use a disinfectant. Fire ant bites are painful and can itch, so you can take an antihistamine to take the edge off. Don't scratch the bites, to keep down the possiblity of infection.


Answer by  Griller (33)

Get some regular household ammonia and use a cotton ball to dab the fire ant bite with some of it. It will take the sting and itch out of it.

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