what is


Question by  Lynne (38)

What is the relationship between heartworm, cough medicine, and seizures?


Answer by  catysuzgirl2000 (578)

Heartworm is a parasite affecting animals. Probably, someone is afraid of catching heartworm living in an animal's heart and rarely, in humans' lungs- thus the explanatory cough medicine or seizures.


Answer by  Jules28 (196)

Both heartworm medication and cough medicine may cause seizures in dogs. Heartworm can also cause seizures in animals in its later stages. There is a special type of cough medicine made for dogs that will not affect them like a human medication would. However, all medications will have side effects.


Answer by  hibpmgirl (2166)

I have never heard of any relationships between all three of these things, some cough medicines have medications in them that can indeed cause seizures in a few people. I believe heartworm can also cause seizures.


Answer by  steverino (275)

Heartworm medication often causes a cough in dogs. If you notice a regular frequency of the cough and you are giving your dog the monthly version of heartgard medicine, you should proceed with great caution regarding any cough medicine and consult your vet. The other issue is that heartworm medicine can also cause seizures - so proceed with caution.

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