health conditions


Question by  Amanda47 (19)

What is the relationship between black mold and health issues?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Black mold is a dangerous mold that has spores that go through the air. Black mold causes many respiratory problms and other health issues. Black mold is dangerous because it is common and can be very hard to totally get rid of. Even trying to clean the mold away can be bad for you because of the way it grows.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Mold is something you should avoid at all costs. If you think your home is moldy call someone to remove the mold from your home. Have your family stay elsewhere in the meantime. Mold can cause tons of breathing and lung problems because when you breathe you tend to inhale those microscopic mold spores.


Answer by  Jenny25 (939)

Well black mold is highly contagious. It can cause a cold or cough. Thus, you should avoid it at all costs.


Answer by  Shankalot (484)

Any type of mold may be the cause of an allergic reaction in some people. Such reactions can be mild or severe depending on the person.


Answer by  rasheedckd (133)

Black mold are the common spores which are seen in the house and work place. increased amount of this causes for serious health problems such as fungal infections or allergic reactions producing myxotoxins.

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