A Siamese cat is one of the most warm and friendly cats you can own. The Siamese cat enjoys a strong bond with its caretakers. It is not uncommon for a Siamese cat to 'talk', making a wide range of vocal sounds. Sometimes the noise sounds like a baby, sometimes like a meow similar to that of other cats.
My mother always told me they are sneaky and have a different personality than other cats. I don't know why that is, but she said that the way they were portrayed in the 'Lady and the Tramp' was accurate. A friend of mine has two Siamese cats and they seem a little standoffish but not noticeably different from other cats.
A siamese cat is wonderful. They are smart and playful and beautiful cats. Friendly but could be a little shy with strangers. They have a fun and loving personality a great cat.
Siamese cats have tendency to be nervous and jumpy. They make good indoor cats and they are generally fraidy-cats. There don't like strangers and take time to adjust, but with love and patience they will love you lots and be very snuggly.
Siamese cats are a people cat, they bond very closely with their masters, they are intelligent, warm,affectionate,extroverted,and social cats. they need alot of companionship and do not like to be left alone.