How much do NASCAR officials make?
Is the US required to keep troops in Germany?
What are common animals of Germany?
What equipment are football officials required to have?
What is Saskatchewan's official flower?
What is the height of an official college field goal post?
What is the weather like in Germany during the month of October?
Question by KulinShah (16)
Do they have one?
Answer by dlraska (460)
Germany does not have an official flower. They use knapweed when they get married but that is it. But Germany does not have an official flower.
Answer by negrita (70)
Germany does not have a national flower. You will find a lot of roses and tulips in Germany however they are native to Germany.
Answer by Almallela (108)
The knapweed is the official flower of Germany. The flower has been official for the country since the early 19th century. This flower is very beautiful in nature and is often worn as a button.
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