health conditions


Question by  awaintrub (16)

What is the normal mass of a liver?

If it's bigger, what does that mean?


Answer by  Anno (11)

A healthy liver's mass is about 3 pounds or 1.4kg. A liver bigger than 3 pounds is known as hepatomegaly. This means that there is an underlying problem in the body that should be investigated by a medical professional.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

The healthy liver size depends on the size of the person. Of course a child's is much smaller. The normal liver is under 20cm at the larger end and less than 15cm at the smaller. Enlarged livers can mean disease or severe inflammation in the body.


Answer by  mhmmegan (165)

The mass in a healthy liver is about 3 pounds. If the liver is bigger, it's known as hepatomegaly. You should seek medical help as this means there's a problem.


Answer by  mdrwaltz (51)

The normal mass of a liver on an average person must be 2-4% of body weight, mostly about 1.5 kgs. If the liver exceeds its normal mass and structure, this condition is called hepatomegaly.


Answer by  jdearth684 (65)

The normal mass of a human liver is around 3 pounds. If your liver is larger than the normal liver it could be the first sign to an underlying medical issue. An enlarged liver can also be caused by things like alcohol use, being overweight, or signs of liver cancer.

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