

Question by  Ferrant (69)

What is the medication temazapam used for?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Temazapam is one of the family of benzodiazepines (Ativan, Xanax, Valium, lorzazepam, etc. ) Temazapam depresses the central nervous system to cause drowsiness for help with insomnia or difficulty staying asleep. It may be used for other things as well.


Answer by  Connie45 (1110)

It's a sedative-hypnotic (also known as Restoril and Razepam), a Class IV controlled substance, chemical class Benzodiazepine. It is used for insomnia. It produces sedation, central nervous system depression, skeletal muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant activity, and anxiolytic action. It should not be taken when using alcohol, or with other CNS depressants or with certain herbs.


Answer by  Gretchin (352)

Temazepam is a medication taken by mouth. It is used for insomnia. It is used short term to help those that are having temporary sleeping problems. Such as falling asleep and staying asleep. It can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer and lessen they amount of times you wake during the night.


Answer by  raindance (44)

Temazepam is a benzodiazepine category prescription sleep-aid first popular in the late 1980s, typically known by the consumer name "Restoril."


Answer by  cafish (2035)

The main use is for sleeplessness. It is also used to treat anxiety. It is a fast acting medicine and should not be used until you are ready for a few hours of sleep. The brand name is Restoril. If you take this drug, you should be closely monitored by a physician.


Answer by  jlwilson6 (1098)

Temazapam is used as a sleeping aid. It is a type of benzodiazepine drug. It affects the chemicals in the brain that cause sleep problems.

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