human body


Question by  Faithnordby (33)

What is the location of the liver?

Something in my abdomen hurts.


Answer by  lists2left (6)

Your liver is located in the upper right area of your abdomen beneath the diaphram. It weighs about 3 lbs and has the main function of processing foods and breaking down fats.Some medications can affect the liver causing swelling or nausea. Seek medical attention if it becomes chronic or you get a fever.


Answer by  dialfoust (220)

Your liver is located on the right side of your body. It is directly beneath your lower portion of your right lung.


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

If you split the abdomen into four parts, or quadrants, the lower or upper and the right or left. The liver is in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. The liver sits underneath the rib cage on the right sides.

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