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Question by  Allhallowseve (32)

What is the kinetic molecular theory?


Answer by  ChemDoc (154)

It explains the observed behavior of gases. It says that gases are made up of individual particles and that their interactions are governed by temperature, which controls velocity of particles.


Answer by  Henry55 (118)

The main pillars of kinetic molecular theory are that gas molecules consists of small particles that move randomly with rapid velocities and that they are in constant motion.


Answer by  labgirl (333)

Kinetic molecular theory supposes that gases are made up of small particles (atoms or molecules) that are moving constantly and randomly. The particles bounce off one another and surfaces.


Answer by  Gabriel59 (21)

It explains the forces between molecules and the energy that they possess. States that matter is made of particles wich are in constant motion and that they have elastic collisions.


Answer by  willard (874)

In the kinetic theory of molecules, gas properties(pressure, reaction rates, etc...) are determined by the average motions of individual molecules. Thus pressure is related to the average kinetic energy of molecules in the gas, while reactions are determined by the rate at which various molecules collide with each other. Similarly, viscosity can be related to the diffusion of momenta.

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