
 how to  math


Question by  J (113)

What is the formula of ellipse in math?

I need to explain how it is graphed.


Answer by  uklid (43)

One formula for an ellipse is (a*x)^2 + (b*y)^2 = 1. This is an ellipse centred at (0,0) with x and y radius being 1/a and 1/b.


Answer by  Math68 (308)

The formula for an ellipse is (x-h)^2 / a^2 + (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1. The origin of the ellipse is at (h, k). a and b control how "oval-like" the ellipse is - the larger a is, the more horizontal the oval. The larger b is, the more vertical.

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